In these general terms and conditions of sale (hereafter “GTC”), the following terms are defined as:
THE COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA: Is a Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of €92,000,000, whose registered office is in Nanterre (92000) – 2190, Boulevard de la Défense, registered in the Nanterre R.C.S. under number 524 889 433, the company operating and managing the shows at PARIS LA DEFENSE ARENA and the tenant-manager of SASP RCF RUGBY (registered in the Paris R.C.S. under number 414 084 111), and, as such, in charge of the organization, operation, and management of the shows of the professional rugby team named “Racing 92”.
Correspondence address:
CS 90157
Tel.: 01-81-92-92-92
Email :
“Subscription”: Access rights materialized by a Subscription card or a ticket book allowing to attend the home Matches of the regular phase of the first division French rugby championship organized by the National Rugby League (hereafter “L.N.R.”) and the pool stages of the competitions organized by the European Professional Club Rugby (hereafter “E.P.C.R.”), played in the Venue by the professional rugby team currently named “Racing 92” during a sports Season, excluding the final phase Matches of the French and European competitions and friendly matches. The term “Subscriber” is interpreted accordingly. The Subscription card allows direct access to the Venue’s ticket control.
“Purchaser”: Any natural or legal person with whom the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA concludes a ticket or Subscription sale contract.
Ticket”: The official access pass given to the Purchaser following an Order allowing to attend a specific Event at PARIS LA DEFENSE ARENA, including a Match. Allows direct access to the ticket control.
“Online Ticketing”: A specific portal on the Website allowing the purchase of one or more Tickets or one or more Subscriptions.
“Order”: Any contract linking the Purchaser to the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA for the realization and execution of the sale.
“Venue” or “PARIS LA DEFENSE ARENA”: The multimodal complex located within the Concerted Development Zone Seine Arche of Nanterre – La Défense in the Hauts de Seine department, commonly referred to as “PARIS LA DEFENSE ARENA” or any other name that may be given to the Venue in the future, where the Events, including occasional home Matches by the professional rugby team “Racing 92”, take place.
“Event”: A live show or sporting event organized within the Venue (including a Match), available for ticket reservation.
“Match“: Unless otherwise stipulated in these GTC, any game (i) of the regular phase of the first division French rugby championship or (ii) of the pool stages, and quarter-finals if applicable, of the Champions Cup organized by the European Professional Club Rugby (hereafter “E.P.C.R.”), or any friendly match taking place in the Venue and played by the professional rugby team currently named “Racing 92”, it being specified that the schedules and dates of the matches published on the Website are subject to change at any time by the French Rugby Federation (hereafter “F.F.R.”), the L.N.R. or the E.P.C.R. and/or any other administrative authority without the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA’s liability being engaged.
“Organizer”: Refers to the producer, co-producers, federations, or more generally any natural or legal person organizing the Events in the Venue.
“Party” or “Parties”: Refers collectively or individually to the “Purchaser” and the “the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA”.
“Sports Season”: The period between July 1st of year N and June 30th of year N+1.
“Website”: The website located at the following URL address:
“Access Ticket”: The ticket that grants access to the Events at PARIS LA DEFENSE ARENA, typically in the form of a classic, thermal, or electronic ticket, or a Subscription card.
1.1 – You are using the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA’s Online Ticketing service. These GTC are systematically brought to the attention of each person wishing to place an Order and apply to any Order placed online for one or more Tickets and Subscription(s) by the Purchaser from the Online Ticketing.
1.2 – The Purchaser declares having the capacity to enter into this contract, meaning having the legal majority and not being under legal protection, such as guardianship or curatorship.
1.3 – Placing an Order implies the Purchaser’s express and unconditional acceptance of all the clauses and conditions provided in these GTC. Therefore, the Purchaser declares and acknowledges having perfect knowledge of them and thus waives the right to rely on any other document.
1.4 – The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA reserves the right to modify these GTC at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the Order by the Purchaser.
1.5 – These conditions apply to the exclusion of the conditions in force in partner sales outlets such as those of the Ticketmaster, France Billet, Digitick networks, or any other distributor approved by the Organizer.
1.6 – In cases where the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA is not the Organizer of the Event, the latter may establish its internal regulations regarding spectators attending the Event.
1.7 – The Tickets and Subscriptions sold via the Online Ticketing are reserved for individuals.
2.1 – The prices of Tickets (face value) and Subscriptions are indicated in euros including all taxes, excluding participation in processing and shipping fees indicated on the Website when validating the Order. All Orders, regardless of their origin, are payable in euros.
2.2 – Several prices may be offered to the Purchaser, notably depending on the category of available seats, the Purchaser’s personal situation, and depending on the Event.
2.3 – The Purchaser is informed that, subject to available seats and according to the specific conditions and modalities that will be communicated to the interested parties, there may be reduced rates depending on the type of Event for:
2.3.1 People under 18 years old, only for Matches, upon presentation of an identity document.
2.3.2 People with reduced mobility and disabled people, upon presentation of a disability card. The conditions and modalities of reservation for people with reduced mobility and disabled people are defined on the website, section Practical Information – Person with a disability/PRM.
2.4 – The Purchaser is also informed that, subject to available seats and according to the specific conditions and modalities that will be communicated to the interested parties, children under 4 years old attending Racing 92 Matches, except final phase Matches, may benefit from free entry to these events.
2.5 – For certain Events, at the Organizer’s request, the Purchaser will receive a voucher instead of a Ticket.
2.7 – The applicable rates are those in force on the day of the Order. The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA reserves the right to modify its prices at any time. Tickets will be billed based on the rates in force at the time of recording the Order.
2.8 – The total number of Tickets (corresponding to seats in the Venue) and/or Subscriptions in cumulative reservations per person cannot exceed the maximum number of seats defined by the Organizer for all categories combined and, in the absence of such stipulations, by the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA. Unless otherwise stipulated, this number cannot exceed fifteen (15) for the same Event and twenty (20) for an Order over several Events. The same person may not place multiple Orders spaced in time to circumvent this rule. The creation of fictitious customer accounts to circumvent this rule is prohibited, and the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA reserves the right to cancel any Order placed under these conditions. Any Order placed using robots may be canceled by the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA at its sole discretion.
2.9 – The Tickets remain the property of the Organizer until the full and final payment of the price by the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA.
2.10 – For each Order, shipping and processing fees may be charged, in addition to the Ticket price, the amount of which will be indicated on the Website when validating the Order.
3.1 – The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA alone decides the sales formulas for Tickets and Subscriptions, pricing conditions, and the number of Tickets and Subscriptions available for each sales formula for Matches. The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA hereby informs the Purchaser that Tickets granting access to certain Matches may first be marketed as part of a Package formula in association with the sale of a Ticket granting access to another Match. Depending on the number of available seats, the Ticket may subsequently be marketed outside of this Package formula. Furthermore, certain Matches may be subject to purchase priorities.
3.2 – The marketing dates for Tickets for each Match depend on the announcement by the competition organizer (L.N.R. or E.P.C.R.) of the date and time of the match.
3.3 – Each Subscriber of a sports Season has the priority to subscribe to a Subscription for the following Season for a limited period that will be indicated on the Website or communicated by email, subject to the availability of the chosen Subscription formula and provided that their Subscription for the current sports Season has not been suspended and/or terminated for any reason. Only the holder of a Subscription can benefit from this renewal advantage.
4.1 – In accordance with Article L.221-28-12 of the Consumer Code, the sale of Tickets and Subscriptions granting access to Events is assimilated to a leisure service provision provided on a specific date or period and cannot be subject to a right of withdrawal. Any Order validated by the Purchaser is firm and final.
4.2 – The reservation of Access Tickets is made, subject to available seats, by zone and price category.
4.3 – For Subscriptions and most Matches, and subject to the compatibility of their Internet browser, the Purchaser can choose their seat in the Venue within the concerned price category, subject to compliance with Article 2.8 of these GTC.
4.4 – To place an Order, each Purchaser must be identified after having previously created a personal secure account with identifiers (login and password).
4.5 – Before definitively registering an Order, the Purchaser will have the opportunity to check their selection (Order) and can modify it at their convenience.
4.6 – The Order will only be definitively recorded at the second and last validation of the Order summary screen. This last “click” is assimilated to the handwritten signature referred to in Article 1341 of the Civil Code (hereafter the “Acceptance Click”). From the Acceptance Click, the Order is considered irrevocable and implies the Purchaser’s obligation to pay the indicated price. The Purchaser can identify and correct their errors before this last click.
4.7 – The Purchaser must make the payment for their Order on the Online Ticketing by credit card. Only one payment method is allowed per Order. Cards from the Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, and American Express networks are accepted. However, prepaid and anonymous cards are not accepted.
4.8 – Installment payment is available for Subscriptions: upon request, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA can split the payment of your Subscription Order into ten (10) consecutive monthly installments via a SEPA direct debit (requiring the following documents and information: RIB – IBAN + BIC, payer’s identity document – national identity card or passport, email, and mobile phone number). The number of installments may be reduced to five (5) automatic debits for Subscriptions reserved during the Season.
Payment by direct debit is only available for Subscription reservations made on the Online Ticketing.
Subscriptions remain the property of the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA until the full and final payment of the price, particularly in the case of staggered payment.
To access the Venue, the Purchaser must be up to date with all their payments to the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA
For payment by direct debit, the subscribed Subscription will not automatically renew for the following sports Season.
4.9 – From the recording of the Order placed, the Purchaser is automatically redirected to a page confirming the definitive validation of the Order. The Purchaser will also receive a confirmation email at the end of which the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA will acknowledge receipt of the Purchaser’s Order. By keeping this email and/or printing it, the Purchaser holds proof of their Order that the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA advises to keep.
4.10 – The debit of the credit card is independent of the actual collection of the Tickets. The payment of the Tickets cannot be refunded to the Purchaser if they fail to collect them.
4.11 – The Purchaser declares having read and accepted these GTC. The validation of the Order implies unreserved acceptance by the Purchaser of these GTC and the Internal Regulations of the Venue as displayed in the Venue.
4.12 – The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA ensures the preservation of the writing recording the Purchaser’s Order amounting to or exceeding 120 euros for a period of 10 years from the performance of the service.
5.1- The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA has entrusted its payment system to PAYBOX, a provider specialized in securing online payments. We guarantee the total confidentiality of your banking information, secured by the SSL protocol, which systematically controls the validity of access rights during your payment by credit card and encrypts all exchanges to ensure their confidentiality. Depending on your payment method, the security of your transactions is also ensured by the 3-D Secure system, a payment system by authentication. This identification process is specific to your bank; please contact it to know the authentication process used.
5.2 – Personal data:
5.2.1 As the data controller, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA collects and processes, in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, personal data communicated by the Purchaser. This personal data is necessary for managing the Order and organizing and managing the Events. Moreover, once recorded, this data allows the Purchaser to place future Orders more quickly through the creation of a personal secure account. This data also allows the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA to provide the Purchaser with Tickets and Subscriptions and, if necessary, contact them. Finally, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA may process personal data related to spectators’ breaches under the conditions of Article L332-1 of the Sports Code.
5.2.2 For these purposes, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA may transfer this data to its service providers and subcontractors.
5.2.3 Furthermore, depending on the options selected by the Purchaser when creating their personal secure account, the data they have provided may be used to offer them priority benefits from goods and services offered by the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA, companies in the same group, and their partners.
5.2.4 This data is stored in the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA’s information system, and those identified in Article 5.2.2 of these GTC, for the time necessary for the purposes of their processing. However, they may be kept for archiving purposes under the conditions provided by applicable laws and regulations.
5.2.5 The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security suitable for the processing of this data, in particular, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and constant resilience of processing systems and services.
5.2.6 The Purchaser is informed that they have, regarding their personal data, the right of access, limitation, rectification, deletion, opposition for legitimate reasons, portability, as well as the right to withdraw their consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal. To exercise this right, they must send a request to the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA:
– By email:
– By postal mail: SOCIETE D’EXPLOITATION DE L’ARENA – Ticketing Service – 2190 Boulevard de la Défense – 92000 Nanterre.
5.2.7 For more information regarding the processing of your personal data, please consult the “Personal Data” section of the Site.
The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA’s Online Ticketing service will contact the Subscriber so that they can collect their Subscription card or ticket book within five working days before the first home Match to which the Subscription grants access. The Purchaser must provide the credit card used for the payment of the Order, their reservation number, and an identity document (Passport or National Identity Card). Without presenting an identity document, no Subscription will be issued. No claims and no refunds will be granted to the Purchaser who fails to collect their Order.
7.1 – The method for obtaining Tickets is linked to the options chosen by the Purchaser, and the time between the date of the Order and the date of the Event.
7.2 – Shipping:
Shipments are made by registered post or not, depending on the option chosen by the Purchaser during the Order process, subject to shipping costs indicated on the Website when choosing the Ticket collection method.
Tickets will be sent to the shipping address indicated by the Purchaser during the Order process (home address or other address).
7.3 – Collection at a point of sale:
When ordering, the option to collect at a point of sale may be offered to the Purchaser, subject to a processing fee of two (2) euros per Ticket. The Purchaser must present themselves at the chosen collection point from the day after the Order is validated, with the credit card used for the payment, the reservation number, and an identity document (Passport or National Identity Card). Without an identity document, the Tickets will not be issued. No claims and no refunds will be granted to the Purchaser who fails to collect their Order.
8.1 – The print-at-home Ticket (or electronic Ticket) allows the Purchaser to print the ordered Tickets on a standard printer from an Internet access. It enables the Purchaser to obtain their Tickets instantly, without waiting to receive them by mail or having to go to a collection point. Tickets are made available to the Purchaser in their personal secure account until the date of the Event they grant access to. The personal secure account is accessible after identification with a username and password. Tickets are also sent in electronic format to the email address provided by the Purchaser.
8.2 – Before presenting at the entrance of the Venue, the Purchaser must print the print-at-home Tickets ordered from the Online Ticketing service. This Ticket is only valid if printed in full on white A4 paper, blank on both sides, without changing the print size, in portrait (vertical) mode. No other medium (including electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, etc.) will be accepted. The barcode must be perfectly legible to be electronically recognized at the entrance of the Venue. Otherwise, these Tickets will not be accepted and will be considered invalid.
8.3 – The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA declines all responsibility for any anomalies that may occur during the ordering, processing, or printing of the print-at-home Ticket.
8.4 – This print-at-home Ticket is personal and non-transferable. This coded Ticket is only valid for the location, Event, date, and time mentioned on this access ticket.
9.1 – When the cancellation or modification of the date, time, or location of an Event is announced, the Purchaser agrees that the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA may use the contact details entered during the Order to keep them informed of the procedure to follow.
9.2 – In the event of cancellation, rescheduling, interruption, or modification of the Event’s program, the Organizer will decide alone on the compensation, if any, to be granted to the Purchaser and the conditions for eligibility. All information related to refunds will be available on the Official Organizer’s website.
9.3 – Cancellation and rescheduling of a Match:
9.3.1 If the Match to which the Ticket grants access is definitively stopped during the game and rescheduled, the Ticket grants access to the rescheduled Match. However, the Purchaser, provided they are not a Subscriber, has the option not to attend the rescheduled Match and to request a refund of the Ticket under the conditions defined in Article 9.3.3 of these GTC.
9.3.2 If the Match to which the Ticket grants access is definitively stopped during the game and not rescheduled, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA will decide, at its sole discretion, whether or not to grant the Purchaser compensation. If the Purchaser is a Subscriber, compensation will only occur if the Subscription card has been read and registered by the Venue’s access control computer system and will be calculated pro-rata to the number of matches included in the Subscription price. Any request for compensation must meet the conditions defined in Article 9.3.3 of these GTC.
9.3.3 The Purchaser will submit their request for compensation or refund to the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA at the address indicated in Article 11 of these GTC. It is recommended to return them by registered mail to keep a record of your shipment. In the case of direct orders from our sales points, please present yourself with your Tickets for a refund or compensation. This refund or compensation will only occur in favor of the Purchaser, against the submission of the Ticket read and registered by the Venue’s access control computer system. Only the face value of the purchased Ticket will be refunded, in whole or in part, at the Organizer’s discretion, excluding all other costs, including without limitation: transportation and accommodation. Processing and shipping fees paid by the Purchaser remain due to the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA. No refund or compensation will be granted for these ancillary costs. Only refund or compensation requests sent to the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA within fifteen days after the scheduled Event date and including the corresponding Order number will be considered. In the absence of compliance with these modalities, no refund or compensation will be granted to the Purchaser.
9.4 – The Purchaser is advised to check 24 hours before the Event that it is still going ahead without any changes by consulting the websites, or by contacting the ticketing service whose contact details appear in Article 11 of these GTC.
10.1 – The Purchaser is responsible for their Tickets and Subscription cards.
10.2 – Except as otherwise provided in these GTC, Tickets shall not be refunded, exchanged, or replaced, even in the event of loss or theft. No duplicates will be issued.
10.3 – Specific conditions for Matches:
10.3.1 In case of loss, theft, or damage, any reissue will incur technical fees of twenty (20) euros per Subscription card. The damaged or reported lost or stolen Subscription card will be deactivated.
10.3.2 Any issuance of a Ticket on the day of the Match in case of forgetting the Subscription card or a Ticket, or in case of theft, loss, or damage of the latter, will be charged two (2) euros per Ticket issued. However, a duplicate cannot be provided if a Ticket has been read and registered by the Venue’s access control computer system.
We offer a customer service that you can contact in several ways:
– By mail: SOCIETE D’EXPLOITATION DE L’ARENA – Ticketing Service – 2190 Boulevard de la Défense – CS 90157 – 92741 NANTERRE CEDEX;
– By email:
12.1 – The stand and seat number indicated on the Ticket corresponds to those in the Venue. Each numbered seat purchased corresponds to a Ticket. The seating is indicated on the Subscription card or Ticket, except for Matches in the standing area category where standing placement is free. Each spectator must occupy the seat corresponding to the references indicated on their Access Ticket.
12.2 – If the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA finds itself, after the final validation of the Order, unable to honor its obligations, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA reserves the right, in order to ensure a product that meets the Purchaser’s expectations as far as possible, to modify the initial seat allocation for the Event to a level of quality equivalent. In such a case, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA must inform the Purchaser of any changes in a timely manner.
12.3 – Additionally, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA reserves the right to occasionally relocate Matches included in the Subscription to a location other than the Venue. In such cases, the Subscriber will be allocated by the ARENA OPERATING COMPANY, as far as possible and considering the layout of the location and constraints imposed on the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA, a seat in this location of equivalent quality to their usual seat, which the Subscriber acknowledges and accepts in advance. In case of Match relocation, the Subscriber must have a Ticket, as Subscription cards only allow direct presentation at the Venue’s Ticket control.
12.4 – Access to the Venue during an Event, except for Matches, is permitted provided a valid Ticket is presented. Access to the Venue during a Match is permitted provided a valid Subscription card is presented, or alternatively, a valid Ticket.
12.5 – The validity of Access Tickets is checked at the Venue’s entrance.
12.6 – Only individuals with a valid Subscription card or Ticket, corresponding to their situation, can access the Venue. During checks at the Venue’s entrance, an official and valid identity document with a photo may be requested to identify the Purchaser of the Access Tickets (passport, driving license, identity card, or residence permit).
12.7 – The Subscription card or Ticket must be presented mandatorily during access control to the Venue and must be kept by its holder for the duration of the Event. Anyone not in possession of a valid Subscription card or Ticket may be expelled from the Venue.
12.8 – It is not possible to be admitted to the Venue multiple times with the same Access Ticket. Only the first person presenting the Access Ticket will be admitted to attend the Event to which the Ticket grants access. They are presumed to be the legitimate holder of the Access Ticket.
12.9 – It is forbidden to reproduce, duplicate, or counterfeit an Access Ticket in any manner, or to make it available for such purposes. Store your Access Ticket in a safe place and use only an official sales channel to purchase your Access Ticket.
12.10 – The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA may refuse entry to the Venue when multiple prints, reproductions, copies, or imitations of an Access Ticket are in circulation and access to the Venue has already been granted to the holder of a print, reproduction, copy, or imitation of a corresponding Access Ticket.
12.11 – The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA is not obliged to check the identity of the person presenting the Access Ticket to verify that they are the Buyer of the Ticket, nor to verify the authenticity of the Access Ticket, as long as the imitation or copy cannot be unequivocally identified as such during access control to the Venue.
12.12 – Any unreadable, scratched, damaged, crossed out, or altered Access Ticket will be refused.
12.13 – Any minor under the age of 16 must be accompanied and under the responsibility of an adult holding a valid Ticket in the same area. Placing young children on someone else’s lap is prohibited. It is strongly discouraged to bring any minor under the age of 5 to an Event in the Venue.
12.14 – The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA reserves the right to refuse access to anyone whose attitude, behavior, or attire could be deemed likely to cause disturbances inside the Venue.
12.15 – Anyone attending an Event in the Venue may be subject to a security pat-down at the Venue’s entrance, a visual inspection of their hand luggage, and may be asked to present the items in their possession. Access may be refused to anyone who refuses to comply with these security measures.
12.16 – Events take place in the Venue at a fixed time. It is recommended to take your seat at least 30 minutes before the start of the Event. Access to the Venue and/or the seats indicated on the Access Tickets is not guaranteed after the start of the Event and will not entitle you to any exchange or refund.
12.17 – Any person who has been refused entry to the Venue for any of the reasons mentioned in this Article 12 of the GTC will not be entitled to any refund or compensation.
12.18 – Any exit from the Venue is final.
13.1 – Every holder of an Access Pass acknowledges having been informed and commits to fully respect and ensure the respect of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTC), the Internal Regulations of the Venue, as well as the law and regulations related to security within the Venue, including, if applicable, articles L. 332-3 to L. 332-16 of the Sports Code. It is reminded that offenses provided for by these texts can be punished with a fine of up to €15,000 and imprisonment for a term that may range from one to three years, depending on the case.
13.2 – Specifically, article L. 332-8 of the sports code stipulates that “the act of introducing, possessing or using flares or fireworks of any kind, or introducing without legitimate reason any objects that could constitute a weapon as defined by article 132-75 of the penal code in a sports venue during the holding or public broadcasting of a sports event is punishable by three years of imprisonment and a €15,000 fine. The attempt of the offense provided for in the first paragraph is punishable by the same penalties.” Article L. 332-9 of the sports code punishes with the same penalties the act of throwing a projectile posing a danger to people’s safety in a sports venue during the holding or public broadcasting of a sports event.
13.3 – It is strictly forbidden to introduce into the Venue any object prohibited by the Internal Regulations of the Venue and by applicable legislation. Such objects may, if applicable, be checked in or seized at the entrance of the Venue.
13.4 – Any person present in the Venue who is guilty of one of the offenses under articles L. 332-3 to L. 332-16 of the Sports Code may be expelled from the Venue and, in addition to fines and imprisonment, may be subject to an additional penalty of a ban from approaching a stadium. In case of expulsion, no refund can be requested.
14.1 – Anyone attending an Event at PARIS LA DEFENSE ARENA is informed that the Venue, to ensure public safety, is equipped with a video protection system under the control of a Judicial Police Officer and may be used in the event of criminal proceedings. An access right is provided in accordance with Article L253-5 of the Internal Security Code.
14.2 – Anyone attending an Event at PARIS LA DEFENSE ARENA expressly and irrevocably agrees, free of charge, that their voice, image, or any other personal attribute may be captured by all current or future means (including photographs and films) during the Event by the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA and/or by any third party designated or authorized by it. Anyone attending the Event expressly acknowledges and agrees that the ARENA OPERATING COMPANY and any third party authorized by the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA (including the Event Organizer) have the right to use, exploit, broadcast, and publish, without any compensation whatsoever for the person attending the Event, their voice, image, or any other personal attribute in connection with the Event and/or the promotion of the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA, the Venue, the Racing 92 rugby team, and/or their partners, by all means, on all supports and media, whether current or future, on a worldwide basis, for a duration of ten years from their capture, renewable by tacit renewal. Anyone attending an Event in the Venue acknowledges that the rights granted herein do not infringe upon their privacy in any way. These rights are freely transferable by the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA to any third party of its choice.
14.3 – Cameras and camcorders may be prohibited by the Organizer. It is forbidden for anyone attending an Event in the Venue to make phonographic, photographic, videographic, or audiovisual recordings or reproductions, in whole or in part, of the Venue or the Event, other than for their personal and private use, and in no case for any commercial purposes whatsoever. It is strictly prohibited to distribute, via any media (including the Internet, radio, and television), any sound, image, data, description of an Event, in whole or in part, or to assist any person in performing such activities.
15.1 – In application of Article L 121-20-3 of the Consumer Code, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA is fully liable to the consumer for the proper performance of the obligations resulting from the contract concluded at a distance.
15.2 – The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA can exonerate itself from all or part of its liability by proving that the non-performance or improper performance of the contract is attributable either to the Buyer, to a third party, or to a force majeure event. Specifically excluded from its liability are the occurrences of bad weather, strikes, changes in regulation, postponement or cancellation of the Event by the Organizer, by a competent authority (e.g., prefectural or ministerial decree, decision by the L.N.R., the F.F.R., or the E.P.C.R., etc.), and terrorist acts. In the event of the occurrence of one of the aforementioned facts, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA will decide, at its sole discretion and without any obligation on its part, whether or not to grant compensation to the Buyer.
15.3 – The Buyer will be held liable for any direct or indirect damage they may cause during their presence in the Venue, whether to the staff and/or clientele of the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA or to any equipment made available to the Buyer by the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA. The holder of an Access Pass attends the Event under their own responsibility.
15.4 – The COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA cannot be held liable in any case, in particular in the event of loss, theft, or illicit use of the Access Pass.
16.1 – It is forbidden to conduct promotional or commercial activities in connection with the Access Passes without the prior written consent of the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA, including, but not limited to, (i) as prizes for all contests, competitions, lotteries, internal or external stimulation operations, “corporate gifts,” and all similar activities, (ii) as part of any travel service, and/or (iii) as part of any public relations service or to generally associate it with any service of whatever nature.
16.2 – To preserve sports ethics and the integrity of competitions, it is strictly forbidden to gamble within the Venue by any means or method whatsoever.
16.3 – The Buyer is specifically informed that Article 313-6-2 of the Penal Code prohibits: “the act of selling, offering for sale, or displaying for sale or for transfer, or providing the means for the sale or transfer of access tickets to a sporting, cultural, or commercial event or to a live show, habitually and without the authorization of the producer, organizer, or owner of the exploitation rights of the event or show, is punishable by a fine of €15,000. This penalty is increased to €30,000 in case of a repeat offense. For the application of the first paragraph, an access ticket is considered to be any ticket, document, message, or code, regardless of its form and support, certifying the right obtained from the producer, organizer, or owner of the exploitation rights to attend the event or show.” Any Access Pass involved in such practices will be invalidated by the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA.
16.4 – It is strictly forbidden to resell an Access Pass at a price higher than its face value.
16.5 – In case of non-compliance with the prohibitions mentioned in this Article 16 of the GTC, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA reserves the right, depending on the severity of the breaches, to suspend or terminate the Subscription by right, to cancel the Ticket and, if applicable, to expel the author of the aforementioned acts from the Venue, without prejudice to claiming any compensation for its damage and to take any legal action.
17.1 – In case of expulsion from the Venue and/or cancellation of a Ticket as a sanction, no refund of the Ticket will be granted. Depending on the severity of the breaches, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA may also, if it deems appropriate, suspend or terminate the Subscription of the offender by right.
17.2 – Furthermore, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA reserves the right not to issue any Subscription, Ticket, or any other Access Pass to Events to any person involved in the sanctioned acts for a period freely determined by the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA according to their severity.
18.1 – These GTC are subject to French law.
18.2 – For any question or complaint entirely dedicated to the follow-up of the purchase and use of a Ticket or Subscription, the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA can be contacted by email at:
18.3 – Any dispute related to the purchase or use of a Ticket or Subscription must be brought to the attention of the COMPANY OPERATING THE ARENA by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the address mentioned in Article 11 of these GTC. This letter must specify the Order number and the precise reasons supporting the claim.
18.4 – In case of difficulties in interpreting or applying these GTC, the Parties will try, as far as possible, to settle their dispute amicably. To this end, the Buyer is informed of the possibility of resorting, free of charge (except for possible lawyer and expert fees), to a consumer mediator under the conditions of Articles L 612-1 and following of the Consumer Code.
18.5 – In the event of a dispute, French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
18.6 – In case of a dispute between the professional and the consumer, they will strive to find an amicable solution.
If no amicable agreement can be reached, the consumer has the option to freely refer the matter to the consumer mediator to which the professional belongs, namely the European Mediators Association (AME CONSO), within one year from the written complaint submitted to the professional.
To refer the matter to the consumer mediator, the consumer must either:
– Fill out the form provided for this purpose on the AME CONSO website:;
– Or send a letter to AME CONSO, 11 Place Dauphine – 75001 PARIS.
Last updated: 24/09/20